Reaching Beyond

Volume 7, Issue 3, of the triannual Juniper has now been published. What I love about this online journal is its stated editorial focus, seeking poems that reach beyond a narrowness of self to connect with something larger: “Juniper seeks poems that bring the reader back to themselves and leave them with a deeper understanding of the world(s) in which they live” as in this brief quote from “Prayer Still Praying Itself into Being” by Sandy Coomer:

        …The sun floods the sky, the pink haze
          reflects in the puddles on the street
          and the hour is alive with a willingness
          to belong to something larger than itself.

There is more to lift readers through space and time: poems about a planet (“Pluto” by Robert Fillman), wandering stars (“Mystery” by Joan Kwon Glass), and reflections on childhood images (“In An Album” by William Conelly). Such thoughtfulness and simple wondering are refreshing in today’s tumultuous world.

To enjoy, please visit