Full Circle

 As the months advance, more and more of a literary generation has been passing on—and on March 13, Rosemary Aubert.

Rosemary was a prolific author of short stories and novels, and twice winner of the prestigious Arthur Ellis Award for her Ellis Portal Mystery Series. Her Obituary (link below) acknowledges more fully her rich accomplishments as a writer, editor, and teacher.

But after my own heart, with several volumes to her credit, she was also a poet.

This April 19, Rosemary’s life and work will be celebrated in the church where she and landscape painter Doug Purdon were wed on Valentine’s Day, 2004. Such a perfecting union of two highly creative, accomplished artists inspired a poem in their honour, “The Architecture of Love”. It concluded:

         The minister’s prayers enfold their hands.
          Space is a promise to be given
          for wife and husband to grow.
          May her phrases be granted the grace of his brush, 
          his canvas, bright daubs with her words,
          two artists encircled as one by a ring
          so tiny, but perfect and golden,
          it holds a cathedral-full of Love.

My deepest condolences to Doug and family.

For Rosemary’s Obituary and details of her Memorial Service, please visit: